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About us

Textilimpex is a State company with 75-year-old tradition in trade with textile and chemical products.

The company is engaged in export, import and distribution of wide range of textile articles, chemicals and textile raw materials

We also provide logistics and freight forwarding, warehouse and office space for rent and we organize fairs and exhibitions.

Nowadays, our company diversifies its activity by including in our offer new products and services.

Long-standing experience and professionalism guarantee high standard of service.

Textilimpex is a modern company with a long tradition!

Obecnie spółka dywersyfikuje swoją działalność wprowadzając do swojej oferty handlowej nowe produkty i usługi.

Wieloletnie doświadczenie i profesjonalizm w działaniu gwarantuje wysoki poziom świadczonych usług.

Textilimpex to nowocześnie zarządzane przedsiębiorstwo z tradycjami!

Our strengths

Year-long experience

The history of Textilimpex began in 1949. Firstly, the company as a Foreign Trade Center, was selling Polish products abroad and was importing textile raw materials.

After the transformation, when many companies collapsed, Textilimpex found its position on the free market and began to regain its reputation.

Today we employ 50 people and we come through another changes. Our company has been for more than 70 years on market – few have such a result!


Textilimpex, in its 70-years history cooperated with partners from all over the world. Sweden, Russia, Norway, Germany, Belarus, India, China, Australia – are some of them.

Our company keeps on growing and entering new markets.

We work with Polish manufacturers and entrepreneurs, Polish products are recognized in many countries.


Textilimpex is a well-established company. Being a state-owned company makes us credible for foreign partners.

It is a guarantee of stability and honesty, values that are always appreciated.

We are still developing and investing in staff with appropriate education and experience. Textilimpex has a very important position on the economic map of the city Lodz.

High class

We focus on quality, credibility and professionalism. We import and export synthetic, natural and plastic fibers.

We have in our offer chemical raw materials with all the required certificates.

Being credible and honest partner is essential for us. We constantly look for new solutions and we complete our offer.

We have our own warehouses

It distinguishes us from other companies on the foreign trade market. Our warehouses have great localization – 50/52 Niciarniana St. and 25 Fabryczna St. in Lodz.

Our headquarter is located in the center of the city of Lodz, in 26 Traugutta St. We have space for rent as well as conference and auditorium room.

Kolorowe szpule przędzy

Pliki do pobrania

Dostarczenie najwyższej jakości ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Bibendum est ultricies integer quis. Iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet.

Mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in. Egestas diam in arcu cursus euismod. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. Tincidunt

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